Things Are Getting Very Real

March 14th, 2012 by Potato

We’re clearly doing this all wrong. While we’re getting prepared and things are starting to feel very real now with all the baby stuff, we’re not spending nearly enough time enjoying our last kid-free days. I think that delightful mixture of anticipation and terror is giving way to thoughts of “what have we done” and brief panic attacks. But we’ve done our first aid and baby care and birthing classes; the furniture is assembled and the adorable baby clothes ready to be puked and pooped on. I don’t know if anyone is ever fully ready for this, but we’re as close as we’re going to get.

And most importantly, the nest is feathered:

The crib is assembled and the wall decals up.

[And no, the stuff in the crib won’t still be in there when it’s time for baby to go in, we’ve been warned about suffocation hazards. But for now it’s adorable.]

5 Responses to “Things Are Getting Very Real”

  1. Netbug Says:

    Excellent! That is a perfect pen for your expected velociraptor.

  2. Canadian Capitalist Says:

    Congratulations John!

    Kids are so much work but there do provide moments of absolute joy. Good luck and keep us posted.

  3. Potato Says:

    Thanks CC!

  4. Amanda Says:

    Where did you get the wall decal? It’s adorable!

  5. wayfare Says:

    The wall decal is from Surface Collective: It came with some additional flowers that we haven’t applied yet.