2010 Blogger Stock Picking Contest – Q1

April 1st, 2010 by Potato

I look to be in dead last:

HBU is up, but I had shorted it (-0.6%)
FRE-W is down a bit, but the more liquid -Z preferred issue is up (-11.6%)
IM is up to $6.64 (+25.3%)
AONE is down to $13.74 (-38.8%)

If my math is right, these picks are down 25.7% overall on the quarter (note that my real-life investments are not this risky and have not been as terrible!)

Note that this is a game with a set end-date so looking for value is not necessarily the way to go — often a shoot-the-moon approach works well in these kind of games. So bear that in mind, and don’t consider any of these as recommendations for you to actually buy!

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