Damned FutureShop

July 27th, 2010 by Potato

I got suckered in to preordering StarCraft 2 from FutureShop back in May. I was hoping that I could elect to do an in-store pickup, but that wasn’t an option: it had to be shipped. I remember fondly WarCraft 3 arriving first thing in the morning on release day when I preordered it from FutureShop back in the day, so I had high hopes that it would go just as smooth for StarCraft 2.

And, of course… the shipment didn’t arrive. I spent all day staking out the door, reading on the front porch for most of the afternoon to make sure the sneaky mailman wouldn’t tap quietly on my door and then leave one of those notes to visit the shipping depot and slither off. And not even that much: nothing at all.

Damned FutureShop, I should have just ordered through Amazon.

So, here I am, not playing StarCraft when I should be. I feel so very glad I preordered now.

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