Never Weight – Q2-18 Update
July 3rd, 2018 by PotatoThe last update featured some ups and downs and a near miss. This quarter was more of the same: a few good weeks, a few weeks of kummerspeck. Lots of walking: I hit my step goal ~5 days out of 7 on average, and there were only 3 weeks in the quarter where I didn’t hit it at least 4 days. But, curling season is over and I didn’t do much other exercise (other than the brief period of teaching Blueberry to ride her bike). At one point I was down over 2 lbs from the previous weigh-in, at another I was up over 3. But the see-saw did end down on the quarter end, by just a hair over a pound.
Taking three months to lose a pound doesn’t seem right to celebrate, because that’s almost down in the noise, and way slower than my target. But I did cross down through a threshold, which is good! The directionality is correct! And it felt hard, even if the results aren’t impressive. So it means the price of the course is going to go up! The next stop on the way back up to $299 (as my weight comes down to my target) is $229.
To really challenge myself I should probably make the thresholds a moving target, but right now I’m going to take the small victory and think about insanity mode for 2019.
I know that tracking what I eat will help, and I haven’t been doing it. So I started today. Right now I’m trying the function built into the fitbit app, but might just use a small paper journal in the end. Either way, I know that how I do it will be less important than that I do it at all.
The quarter also marks the start of the 20th anniversary year of BbtP. The day the site went live way, way back then is an ill-defined day near the end of the year, lost to the sands of time, so we’ll arbitrarily align with the winter solstice. Of course, celebrations are premature. I’ve wanted to update the design, etc. (maybe enable https?), and thought this would be the natural time for an update (maybe even a complete “rebranding”) but just don’t have the time/energy for it. And given that my posting frequency is way down, with more meta/health update posts, to an outside observer all signs must be indicating that the blog is in terminal decline, so perhaps we should open up the ideas for anniversary celebrations to a long-overdue euthanasia.
July 3rd, 2018 at 7:50 pm
Well, that got dark fast.
July 4th, 2018 at 8:55 am
In an amazing coincidence, Molly Lewis’ “My Hope” was playing as I wrote that part (also to make sure people were still reading the boring personal update posts) — and John Green was talking about the same thing.
July 6th, 2018 at 9:10 am
Good luck in your continued weight loss journey. I highly recommend reading The Obesity Code by Toronto doctor Dr. Jason Fung. It’s about when to eat as well as what to eat…combining intermittent fasting with a low-carb, medium protein, high dietary fat diet (LCMPHF). He also has videos on YouTube you can check out, and he runs a blog at . It was life changing for me, not just to lose the weight but especially to reverse T2 diabetes metabolic symptoms. All the best!
July 6th, 2018 at 8:37 pm
Thanks Jeff. Netbug’s been telling me about intermittent fasting for a while. I’ve read bits and pieces, so it’s not totally out of the blue.
For now, I’m 5 days into successfully tracking what I’m eating, so I’ll see if I can keep it up!