Prius Year 2
February 28th, 2012 by PotatoThe Prius just turned 2. Still love it, though we got pretty much the biggest infant carseat on the market (a Graco Snugride 35) because it will keep baby rear-facing longer… but it barely fits in the back, which is a bit worrisome. We have to move one of the front seats forward a bit to get it in. We did a test install a few weeks ago, and when the weather gets warmer I’ll try again to see if I can comfortably get it in behind me in the driver’s side (I know I’m never going to need to recline once I get my seat set), otherwise the passenger seat will just have to be a touch further forward than normal.
I still have to figure out what I want to do for protecting the seats from the inevitable baby mess. Any suggestions from the blogosphere? Some people swear by the wet okole neoprene fitted covers, but they’re pretty expensive. Canadian Tire has some much cheaper generic covers, and just scotch guard may be enough to prevent any permanent damage.
As you read in the summer, there’s only been one problem with the car: the plastic cover on the underside came loose while driving and had to be replaced (and somewhat more troublingly, removed while in the middle of nowhere). That was replaced under warranty.
For the past two years real-world fuel consumption has averaged 5.1 L/100 km, vs an expected ~9 L/100 km real-world for a comparable alternative (if I had gone with a Matrix/Accord/other). Gas has averaged $1.15/L, so I’ve saved about $1500-1600 so far, putting me on track for a ~5 year “pay back”. Of course, I’ll save that much again for the 5 years after that, and the 5 years after that, and reduce my exposure to these volatile/rapidly rising gas costs the whole while. So yeah, I’m still pleased with my decision.
February 28th, 2012 at 4:54 pm
I’ve been tracking my fuel consumption on a Google spreadsheet. (I drive a 2007 Honda Fit.) I enter every receipt, and they make this cool Google-Finance-style chart.
I have a pretty remarkable trend of going from 6.5 in the summer to 8 or more in the winter. I’m not sure what that’s telling me. I suppose it’s the longer drives to cottage country in the summer, but perhaps I need to be more careful about my tire pressure in the winter too.
February 28th, 2012 at 6:12 pm
To a large extent it’s just the unavoidable hit of winter driving: winter gas blend, more time spent idling to warm up, slower driving for conditions, denser air leading to higher air resistance… it all adds up.