Another Car Found!

January 22nd, 2007 by Potato

Canada Customs just phoned to let my mom know that her car was found on a container ship in Halifax. It’ll take some time to get it back here, but it’s good to hear! (Of course, it would have been better to find my brother’s car, since the insurance company was going to buy a brand-new one for my mom with her better coverage). Beyond that I don’t have any details — we don’t know if a large bust was made, or if my mom’s car was just lucky. We don’t know if there’s any damage to it (though if it’s on a container ship to be resold, they probably handled it gently).

Anyhow, I have to leave for my dentist appointment now — getting that tooth I cracked back in December fixed with a new crown :(

Also, I saw something I haven’t seen for a long time on the drive back last night: a guy talking (loudly) on his cell phone in the public washroom. (Then leaving without washing his hands because of course, he only had one free. Ick).

One Response to “Another Car Found!”

  1. Ben Says:

    Any more details yet? Like where the ship was headed?