Toronto Vehicle Registration Tax Falls Short

March 12th, 2009 by Potato

As reported by the Star, Toronto’s vehicle registration tax has fallen short of expectations. “…the equivalent of 167,000 fewer vehicles being registered than expected.” Of course, I’m one of the many people that had a car registered to a Toronto address that was promptly moved when the tax was announced. Like perhaps half of Western’s student population, I came from the Toronto area, and left all my mailing addresses (including my car registration) set to my parents’ address to make life simpler: no updating every few years as I moved around, and someone at home all the time to let me know if something important arrived. But for $60/year, yeah, I’ll update my address.

Oddly enough, when it was first being mulled over I was in favour of a vehicle registration tax, but that was back when I thought they were talking something modest, like a 5-10% surtax. When the Toronto surtax ended up being almost as much as the original provincial fee, I balked.

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